Thanks to the help of an accurate study that lasts,
actually, since a lots of years and due to a meticulous and continuous search
through the mazes of THOSE local songs and dances, that usually were kept
only and simply by the fleeting mind of the old people in town (with the
risk that, year by year, such an immense cultural archive
have get irremediably lost), the Folk Group "La Basulata" has been
able to rebuild a huge collection of songs having their roots straightly in
the arcaic custom and habits of the old times. Some of the songs we play, for
example, were once singed while people used to work in the fields, some
others while reaping the wheat ears, some others more were
played during birthdays, family parties, particular celebrations
(such like, for example, the weddings..) or even....the New Year feasts!!
On the whole, as it's easy to understand, the hard work
kept on in all these years by the Group artistical responsibles, in
rediscover so many ancient songs and dances,
reached two important and unexpected results: on one side we've been able to
made up a complete, interesting, fashionable and heterogeneous show (even if
just APPARENTLY simple..); on the other side we made possible to rebuild a
true life-like view of the old times daily life that, behind its undeniable
difficulty, was anyway so simply, pure and, all by all, absolutely HAPPY.
Just rarely, in fact, the songs rediscovered and played in concert from the
Folk Group "La Basulata" have a sad "mood" or express the pain for
the hard life of the old times (let's not forget it was a life made up only
of work, sacrifices, needs, efforts and sweat..), no way: on the contrary,
the joy and the will to live, the wish to forget the serious daily troubles,
maybe also the natural need to psychologically feel better someway after a
long hard day of work in the fields, comes out of the songs played,
especially when talking about the popular and unchained traditional group
dances such like the "BALLARELLE", the
"TARANTELLE", the "QUADRIGLIE" and so on, usually left
to the evocative magic power of the music only.
A music that, watch out, is always based on solid, "square",
fast and twisting rythms, so that it's extremely difficult, even for a
distract listener, to be able to not be actively involved in it and, in the
meanwhile, to resist to the unrestrainable need to... at least tap tempo with the foot!!
The last and most recent innovation added to the show of
LA BASULATA, has been the use of various multimedial supports that, even if
possible only in selected environments (such like theatres, halls, cinemas,
auditoriums and so on, because of the huge technical needs), makes somehow
much more special the Group's concerts, by perfectly amplifying and
expanding the traditional "live" performances, giving the audience the
chance to live a culturally rich, unique and emotional experience...
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